Digital Photography Contest - US Army MWR
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Digital photo

Digital Photography Contest

This is an event encouraging novice or photography enthusiasts to capture their favorite views, moments and adventures from all across the world. Entries submitted showcase some of the most original and creative minds at work.

Share your best shots for a chance to win great prizes!

Congratulations to all of our winners!!


How to Enter


All participants must complete an online profile and submit their images through the official website.

*Please review the participant guidelines on the rules page for more information on rules and how to enter.

For a complete guide on how to login and submit your entry. 

To contact the IMCOM G-9 Arts and Crafts program, please email

Submission Categories

Eligible participants may enter one photo per category.  

Animals: Pets, birds, reptiles, amphibians, zoo animals, farm/domesticated animals, insects, etc.

Design Elements: Photos that emphasize line, shape, pattern, form, texture, perspective – can be any subject matter. Note: this is not a category for graphic illustrations made in a program like Adobe Illustrator, nor would extreme digital creations belong in this category.  This is for line, shape, pattern, etc.

Digital Darkroom: Photos created/altered with computer software which demonstrate art, creativity, impact, with digital alteration the main focus of image (include the digital techniques used to create the picture on each entry)

Military Life: Photos that portray military life

Nature & Landscapes: Landscapes, outdoor scenes, nature images, sunsets, urban landscapes, seascapes, cityscapes, farms, floral, etc.

People: Photos where a person is the main focus. It may require model release (see “Model/Property Release” information)

Still Life:  Arranged photos of diverse inanimate objects: food, plants, artifacts, etc.


Additional Entry Guidelines 

  • Photos should be high resolution jpg files between 150KB and 2MB (maximum size allowed) and high resolution suitable for printing at 300 dpi.
  • Photos with a date stamp or photographer’s name on the photo will be disqualified.
  • Photos taken for official duty, illustrations, training aids, or similar assignments are not eligible.
  • Explanatory text about the photo on the entry form should be brief and concise.
  • All submissions must be the original work of the entrant, completed within 12 months from the start of the current contest year; photos entered in previous contest years may not be resubmitted.
  • All photos must have a unique title for identification; “Untitled” is not acceptable as an entry title and will be disqualified.
  • Participants should log in and view artwork entries to ensure photos have uploaded properly; it is the participants’ responsibility to ensure the photo is properly loaded.


For questions? Contact the IMCOM G-9 Arts and Crafts program, at