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Recreational Leisure Travel

Recreational Leisure Travel

Countless opportunities for fun and educational leisure travel exist at garrisons throughout Europe.


Outdoor Recreation

The primary source is your nearby garrison Outdoor Recreation program. 

Please visit your local garrison's Outdoor Recreation program:


Armed Forces Vacation Club®


The Military Vacations for Families from Armed Forces Vacation Club® (AFVC) is a "Space Available" program that offers military and other Department of Defense-affiliated personnel the opportunity to enjoy vacations at popular destinations around the world - for $349* USD per unit, per week.

For more information on AFVC opportunities, please go to Armed Forces Vacation Club


Sato Vacations




For leisure travel interests and needs that require commercial travel, consider CWTSatoTravel "SatoVacations Europe" as a first-choice option.

SatoVacations Europe operates in-person service centers at several garrisons within IMCOM Europe Region. The Europe Vacations Fulfillment Center provides quick and professional service throughout Europe Region via phone-call and internet bookings. Their modern system ensures each caller is assigned to the next available agent as soon as possible.

Contact: +49 (0)6302-923717  

For more information on SatoVacations opportunities, please go to SatoVacations.


Bundeswehr Sozialwerk 

Another excellent source for reasonably priced vacations in Europe is the German Army's "Bundeswehr Sozialwerk" program.





Bundeswehr Sozialwerk offers discounted bookings for hotels and campgrounds throughout western Europe.

"Eigene Häuser" and "Vertragshäuser" refer to vacation resorts that are either owned by or contracted for use by Bundeswehr Sozialwerk e.V.  

For best use of this program, skills for reading and writing German language are recommended. 

Countless opportunities for fun and educational leisure travel exist at garrisons throughout Europe.