Priority of selection will be Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve.
Applications for coaches and trainers much be complete and on time, with commander approval and installation sports director acknowledgement or endorsement (if applicable).
All-Army Coaches Selection Criteria
Applications will be ranked based upon experience and accomplishments coaching in the sport. Credentials should reflect basic coaching skills, such as time management, teaching, mentoring, analysis, sport fundamentals, recruitment, team operations, and strategy execution. Successful applications may include:
• Coaching certificates from national governing bodies (such as USA Rugby, high school, or level 1 coaching)
• Coaching experience at the high school or collegiate level
• Unit, post, or varsity level coaching at an installation
• Education that specializes in coaching or teaching
• Previous experience in the sport, including participation at Armed Forces, National or CISM Championships
Responsibilities of Coaches
• Report to All-Army Sports
• Review submitted applications and help select players, assistant coach and trainer
• Create and enforce team rules
• Maintain professionalism at all times
• Counsel players regularly
• Report injuries and incidents.
• Maintain military bearing and courtesies
• Coach/observe all practices/training and scrimmage games during trial camp
• Coordinate with All-Army Sports and the trial camp host for practice/training needs and scrimmage games.
• Select players for the Armed Forces Championship roster and release unneeded players to return to their duty station
• Develop a practice program of 2–3 practices per day for approximately a 21-day period
All-Army Trainers Selection Criteria
Applications will be ranked based upon experience and certifications.
Roles and Responsibilities of Trainers
• Report to the head coach and All-Army Sports
• Apply evaluative skills and techniques for orthopedic and medical problems associated with athletics
• Record, analyze, and maintain medical records
• Help evaluate incoming and returning Soldier-athletes
• Formulate effective therapeutic treatment plans, implement treatments, and monitor progress of Soldier-athletes
• Supervise rehabilitative exercises/therapy
• Interact with medical professionals, coaches, and administrative staff
• Coordinate with All-Army Sports to maintain inventory of medical supplies
• Prepare injury reports for the head coach
• Observe all practices/training and scrimmage games