All-Army Marathon Selection Criteria
Experience in the sport of distance running/track, including information as to what age one began running, name, and location of track or running clubs associated with, all marathons or other distance events competed in, age group rankings, race resume’s and race results printouts showing order of finish. Include any MVP/Most Improved type awards, all-county/district/state, etc team recognitions, or other honors in the sport.
All experience listed on application should be detailed reflecting experience competing in the sport of distance running. Candidates will be ranked based upon experience and accomplishments in distance running including such factors as (ranked in order of importance):
- Corroborated sub-2:45 marathon times for men and sub-3:10 for women
- Past Armed Forces Team member
- Track Athlete/XC Runner at Division I-A team
- Past All-Army Team member
- Track Athlete/XCRunner at Division II Team
- Referral by past All-Army runner
- Sports Director Recommendation
- All-State honors
- All-District honors
- Track Athlete/XC Runner at Division III Team
- Military post team member
- Track Athlete/XC Runner on Community or Junior College Team
- Track athlete/XC runner in high School
- Completeness, legibility, and timeliness of application packet