A: AR 215-1 governs the All-Army Sports Program.
A: Active Duty, National Guard, and Army Reserve personnel are authorized to apply for All-Army Sports. Soldiers in the National Guard and Reserve must complete additional forms to initiate activation and submit them to the appropriate sports POC for the sport, and they will need to be activated for the duration of the selection. You have to be at an actual duty assignment in order to apply.
A: Apply online at https://cloud.mwr.army.mil/apptrac. You will need your commander's name, phone number, and AKO email address. You will also need to know the date of your latest Level 1 Anti-Terrorism Training, which must be valid through all travel through your season. Renew the training at https://jkodirect.jten.mil if needed.
A: AKO emails did not go away. AKO email address should be set up to forward to the new DISA (@mail.mil) email address. AKO email addresses are required for email notifications for approvals and status updates. There is a place on the application to indicate additional email addresses.
A: No. This is a short-term TDY opportunity (four days to three months, depending on the sport and your selection for higher competitions). This is not an opportunity to change MOS.
A: To be considered for the first/primary selections for a trial camp, your application needs commander and garrison sports director approvals prior to the deadline. If you are not assigned to an installation, your application will skip the garrison sports director and proceed to the Army Sports Office. Specific deadlines are listed on the sports calendar for each sport.
A: Yes. You can attach your supporting documents (references, articles, pictures, websites, videos, and other documentation) within your application, or you can email it to usarmy.jbsa.imcom-hq.mbx.army-sports@mail.mil.
A: All sports listed on the All-Army Sports calendar are being offered. No additional sports are being looked at to be added at the present time.
A: Our inventory of sports is determined by what is being offered at a significant number of installations to identify athletes for higher competitions and 2) participation from the other services. At this time, we are not looking at additional sports, but talk to your garrison sports director about opportunities at their level or off-post.
A: Your commander will not receive your application to approve. Instead, commanders receive an email with instructions to enter the same website you applied in. If your commander did not receive an email, please verify the commander's name and AKO email address. If those are correct, have your commander log in to https://cloud.mwr.army.mil/apptrac. They will create a password with their enterprise email address, then click on "Commanders," then click on "Review & Approve Applications."
A: Your commander must approve your participation before your application can be considered. Please ensure your commander's name and AKO email address are correct, or they will not be able to access your application.
A: If the commander needs a Soldier back early, the Army Sports Office will make travel arrangements to have the Soldier back within 24 hours.
A: Based on the applications we received, we will make initial selections to attend trial camp. Trial camp is not a tryout opportunity. Soldiers must be physically prepared to compete immediately. As the trial camp proceeds, we will make cuts and solidify the final roster to represent the Army in the Armed Forces Championships. From the Armed Forces Championships, an all-star team will be selected to participate in either a national or international competition.
A: Army Sports generates a selection message and sends it through each region to garrison sports directors. Army Sports will contact all personnel not on an Army installation. Army Sports arranges airline travel for most athletes. The garrison sports office will prepare a DD1610 for your travel to the trial camp and send it to Army Sports for funding approval. Army Sports will prepare DD1610 for all personnel not on an Army installation.
A: IMCOM G9 All-Army Sports funds travel, meals/daily allowance, trial camp and competition local transportation, and training/competitive uniforms. Meal cardholders should request separate rations prior to departing their unit.
A: Bring your own personal training equipment for your sport. For example, soccer players should bring their own cleats and shin guards. Also bring toiletries, prescription medication, and a little civilian clothing should be brought. Two pairs of black slacks/trousers with black/brown dress closed-toed shoes will be required dress code for social events. You will be issued training apparel at the trial camp.
A: No.
A: No. Participants must be on Federal Active Duty Title 10 status.
A: Soldiers must obtain commander's approval for leave prior to departing unit duty station (except for emergency situations). Leave is only authorized after all competition is complete. Leave in conjunction with this event must be stated in the remarks section of the Soldier's travel orders.
A: After clicking the "DONE" Button, your application will automatically route to your commander for approval. Make sure your commander's name and AKO email address are correct, so they receive your application. An incorrect email address will delay your approval and could prevent you from being considered.
For Active Duty:
- If approved by your Commander, your application routes automatically to your garrison sports director and then the All-Army Sports Office for final review. If you are not stationed at an Army installation, your application will skip the sports director and come directly to the All-Army Sports Office.
- It is your responsibility to ensure your application gets the needed approvals before the application deadline.
- All-Army Sports will select candidates to participate in trial camp based on the information provided on your application, so make sure your application is complete. Applying does not guarantee selection to trial camp.
For Army Reserve or National Guard:
- If approved by your Commander, your application automatically routes to the All-Army Sports Office (IMCOM G9) for final review.
- Email your additional forms (DA1058R, DA5960, current DA705, and copy of current MEDPROS showing GREEN status) to usarmy.jbsa.imcom-hq.mbx.army-sports@mail.mil by the deadline. Forms are available here.
- All-Army Sports will select candidates to participate in trial camp based on the information provided on your application, so make sure your application is complete. Applying does not guarantee selection to trial camp.
Inactive Ready Reserve (IRR) Personnel
A: Send us an email: usarmy.jbsa.imcom-hq.mbx.army-sports@mail.mil